This extreme large format solid glass panel was UV printed with translucency making it work as a light box with LED back lighting. Glass is about 8x8ft in room looks small as it goes wall to wall but in reality its very big peace of glass, black ink back printing it makes it look very upscale. LaserCutZ provides glass manufacturing, glass digital printing and glass installation services. This glass sign installed in gym in Long Island
In this projects LaserCutZ did a color UV printing directly onto a ash wood shelves. Printed artwork is a bunch of random colored lines forming a pattern, this job could of been done with laser and then color filled for durability but client wanted to try fully digital printing application. Results came out very impressive. Texture some what reminds us Coach custom skate board project that we did few years ago.
Nothing looks more impressive then gigantic prints, but it is NYC and every one is used to a big bill bards, display screens and everything hedge, sol lets take it to next level with extra large format on glass. Glass was always a luxury substraight, it looks gorgeous, glossy and flashy, glass is nothing like cheap vinyl print sticking on the wall. When it comes to large size glass artwork prints it adds extreme prestige and special look to hospitality venue. LaserCutZ x SunStudio has largest glass printer in NYC and tri state region. Lets face it, even Duggal would not print 10ft glass surfaces. Photo shows little sneak pick on NJ facility with 11×8 ft glass panel printed for a luxury restaurant in Brooklyn. LaserCutZ prints directly onto glass surfaces, we also offer cistom glass fabrication and installation services.
LaserCutZ now offers gold and silver stamping service for marketing prototyping and small production run. Gold foil offers unique and luxury look that can be transferred to many substraights. This includes product packaging, cosmetics, makes up, industrial design elements, paper, sung glasses, leather, wood or just about any object. Foils stamping uses 2 type of stamps. One is soft silicone stamp and other hard brass stamp. Silicone or rubber stamps are used for hard surfaces ex acrylic, polycarbonates or other plastic surfaces that can break under pressure. Photos attached show two surfaces one mate P95 acrylic and othe glossy acrylic. Both plastic sheets stamped with gold foil, but look of them is different as matte grainy surface also made gold look with same grainy texture, while glossy surface makes gold look like a mirror. 2nd type of stamp is hard stamp and like vice it is used for a soft surfaces such as paper, leather or wood. Hard stamp compresses soft surface and makes stamping perfectly even.
Gold foil printing requires stamps and so is semi analog way of printing. Unlike fully digital engraving, stamps need to be made there fore there is high setup cost. For quick prototypes simple short life stamp can be used. Testing stamp will die after few impressions, it will have limitation of minimum size of art work BUT it can deliver prototype in matter of minutes. For example shield logo in this post was done with this budget prototyping stamp. Budget stamp does not actually cost less but it gives quick testing option. On other hand full and proper production stamp will hold hundreds of impressions before it needs to be replaced, however it mat take 2-3 weeks to produce such stamp.
There many ways to transfer gold look to plastics, for example laser engrave and infill with gold ink, silk screen in gold ink, or pad stamp in gold ink. How ever out all of those methods gold foil will make most realistic reflective yellow looks that will look just like real gold!
To start your gold foil stamping marketing or prototyping project please use contact page to send us your speks.
This sample was done for LV to show case possibilities of enhanced decoration of glass cabinets. Idea was to use dithering dots similar to what seen in cars close to edge. those dots used to hide mechanical parts and glue behind glass. LaseCutZ developed technology and proposed to augment those plain dots with corporate branding of Louis Vuitton. Special production method was developed to ensure that both logo and dots are crispy clean when viewed in close up. Results came out astonishing! Special production method is by far more superior then conventional silk screening or UV glass printing. more to say method that was developed if a digital application so no molds or modules are needed. This can be produced with any color and any size.
This painting was printed on 1/4″ tempered glass for artist from Israel. Digital UV prints look extremely nice when printed on back of the glass as glossy glass surface makes it special look and feel. This painting done in pastel colors is to be installed in Manhattan’s office of a financial company
LaserCutZ provide chrome and mirror coating services for plastic parts. those parts are perfect fit for automotive and marketing projects. This speed shape sample show how perfect reflection is after applying proper mirror coating layer to a plastic part, parts becomes like a mirror. This technology can be used for headlights and reflectors prototyping and to make any unusual and shiny objects.
Cerakote is very often used for coating weapons but we decided to do a sample on structural stainless steel beam that we laser cut on our tube cutting machine. Crekote can provide environment friendly, high temperature resistant coatings, in most cases its a spary based alternative to a powder coating.